Monday, June 29, 2015

Day 5

The worship this morning was again wonderful.  I went to the service with two of our clergy Deputies, Sarah Ball-Damberg and Kevin Matthews, and we met up with Bishop Hodges-Copple.  We somehow ended up taking empty seats on the front middle row where we could see eveything so easily.  It was great to sing next to our Bishop Suffragan as she has a wonderful voice!  We shared the peace with Presiding Bishop Katherine, who was sitting behind us.  And Sarah, Bishop Anne and I got pulled at the last moment to serve the bread and wine at the station in front of us because the Deacon realized she did not have enough servers for her station.  An unexpected series of fun things.  And the preacher, although not dynamic, was a bishop from the Armenian Church who added comments about how wonderful our new Presiding Bishop Elect is and how he looks forward to working with him.  Every where we NC folks turn, we hear people praising our bishop!

I was to be in the House of Bishops all afternoon but was not needed until 3:30 because the bishops were totally alone to have a private discussion about some matter.  But when I was eventually in the HoB they discussed the resolutions about marriage equality and I was so impressed with how amazingly civil they are to each other.  They all have strong, and often conflicting, views on this issue but they listen to each other and are respectful and loving in their intense debates.  How I wish more of us could act that way when we talk about controversial topics that we take sides on!


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