Sunday, June 28, 2015

A long day without too much of interest to share except for an amazing event this morning called the bishops' walk against gun violence.  At 7:15 this morning about 80 bishops dressed in rockets and chimeras lead a walk down the streets of Salt Lake City, joined by many clergy and lay people.  It was so impressive and a great visual statement about wanting to end gun violence.  There were also some moving testimonials about suffering from gun violence, including the Bishop of Utah's story about when he was 19 and was shot in a store robbery and spent the next two months in the hospital struggling to survive.  There was also a horrid story from a woman who was shot in a random gun shooting in a mall and her two year old daughter was killed.  And of course our bishop gave a rousing speech about violence in our midst, which you can see on You Tube.

Miss you all.  I am really tired but experiencing many moments and stories of God's grace and am amazed by the power of our Episcopal church as a witness to God's love and redeeming grace.

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