Thursday, July 2, 2015


Sorry about the typos in my last post.  For some reason my iPad refused to let me edit the first paragraph.  Oh well.
Headed home today immediately after worship.  See you all soon!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My last full day at Convention ....

Another wonderful worship morning, with an incredible drumming core.  I took a video and will share when I get home.  And then an inspiring sermon by a woman who now runs the Magadelene Project and Thistle Farms, all for aiding in the recovery of abused women.   Since the worship bulletins do not tell us who is providing the music, or who is the Celebrant, or who is preaching, I cannot tell you her name.  but she shared a dramatic personal story about her priest father moving his wife and five hung children to a ne assignment in Tennessee, and then dying at age 35 in an accident caused by a drunk driver.  this left his family in a strange ten and eventually the preacher was the vidtim of sexual abjure by the church's warden.  A sad story but one from which she built a wonderful ministry!

The rest of the day was spent in the House of Bishops.

At the opening of the morning session, the clerk read the numbers and titles of the resolutions before the bishops today.  There was a good laugh when she listed a resolution entitled "Leveraging Social Media for Jesus"!  Would like to know that the resolution actually said but he HoB did not discuss it today.
They did extensively discuss several resolutions about alcohol abuse.  One passed resolution affects the work I do on the Commission on Ministry to the Diaconate.  Beginning in 2016 all people in either ordination process ( priest or deacon) must be evaluated for alcohol and drug abuse and questioned abut this.  They also passed a resolution significantly strengthening the church policy on alcohol, undoubtedly in response to Bishop Cook of Maryland's killing a biker while she was intoxicated.

Then the afternoon was spent with discussions about the changes proposed by the TREK committee.
This all involves the governance and structure of the church.  Great discussions but if you do not know about the current structure of the national church and the proposed changes, this discussion would not make sense to the average lay person.  But suffice it to say that the changes adopted are significant and will greatly improve Bishop Curry's life as the Preaiding Bishop.

tomorrow I come hje at last!  Many stories to share with you all in Ron.


More Clarity about Passed Resolutions

In case you are not following the passage of legislation via the media or the General Convention website, I want to clarify what was passed regarding marriage equality.  There were two significant resolutions.  The first was Resolution A036 which amends the marriage canon (Canon 18) to refer to marriage as opposed to Holy Matrimony that refers to the joining of a man and a woman.  Resolution A054 adopted resources and rites from "Liturgical Resources 1: I Will Bless You and You Will Be a Blessing."  These include a liturgy for blessing a covenant relationship and three liturgies of marriage.  These were adopted for trial use, which sets in motion the process of amending the BCP. That passed, by a roll call vote, of 129 to 26, with 5 abstentions.  To me it seems sort of uncourageous to vote "abstain" but five bishops did so.  Almost all the "no" votes were from Province IX, which includes dioceses in Central America.  I think that shows the continuing divide between the dioceses in the U.S. and those in the wider Anglican Communion, especially in the global South.  It is my hope that Bishop Curry will do much to heal that rift over the next nine years.

More news of the day later.